Chickpeas for change: Little Sesame invests in regenerative farming for the sake of the earth and all things hummus

/, Farm-to-Table, StarChefs, Sustainability/Chickpeas for change: Little Sesame invests in regenerative farming for the sake of the earth and all things hummus

For StarChefs’ D.C. issue, Amelia interviewed 4th generation regenerative farmer Casey Bailey about his amazing chickpeas and how he works with Nick Wiseman and Ronen Tenne, owners of the hummus-centered Little Sesame in Washington, D.C. Read more.

By | 2023-03-08T09:51:03-06:00 April 8th, 2022|Chef Profiles, Farm-to-Table, StarChefs, Sustainability|Comments Off on Chickpeas for change: Little Sesame invests in regenerative farming for the sake of the earth and all things hummus

About the Author:

Amelia Levin is a Chicago-based food writer and magazine editor, cookbook author and certified chef who writes about food, foodservice and the restaurant industry. Her work has appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers as well as online.